March 27, 2008

No More Crude in my Food

Today I watched the documentary Crude Awakening. It did a good job of instilling a sense of urgency about how unprepared we are to deal with life "after the peak," when the little bit of oil still available becomes very, very expensive. Along with all the things we take for granted, like car travel and food. Food?!

The film did not spend time letting individuals know what they could do to gain greater self-sufficiency through a low-carbon lifestyle now (the lovely footage of Amish horse carts notwithstanding). It's purpose may be to get us to demand political action, which surely is needed. But I would have liked to see some get-off-your-ass-and-act case studies. You know, people growing their own food or using farmers markets, otherwise becoming locavores, choosing organics for food and clothing, and giving vegetarian meals a chance now and then.

None of these things alone, or even cumulatively, will create more oil - but they do give us practice living with less, and help focus us less on despair and more on answers. For myself, I find I'm much more likely to demand support from my leaders if I know what's possible, rather than just what's wrong.

March 26, 2008

Nettle Tea

Is it just a placebo effect, or does my daily dose of nettle tea really help my allergies?

Sometimes hard to tell, when I'm also using Zyrtec, Flonase and a sinus wash every day.

But according to my Herbal Teas book, nettle has a 'moderating effect on allergies'. And I'm willing to buy that.

At least it tastes good, especially with a little lemon. I split my 'dose' by brewing one big cup at night and drinking half before bed and half in the morning before work.

Did I mention it's also a diuretic? That means I really can't oversleep anymore. Thank goodness I can breathe ok when I wake up.

March 25, 2008

Green Egg Salad (No Ham)

Easter was especially fun this year - it was all about the eggs!

Although free-range eggs recently hit $3.00 a dozen here, we bought a lot. After waffles, everyone was ready to dye a few. They came out beautifully; so naturally we hid them up in the vegetable garden, where a real bunny would forage.

The only child among us searched diligently among the swiss chard, cabbages, rhubarb and nasturtiums, finding most of them. Only one went to the dog, who amazed us all by rolling it with her nose to break up the shell before eating the hard-boiled egg.

But last night I was faced with packing lunch, and making use of the colorful bounty. So naturally I shucked a few and whipped up a batch of egg salad. The green bits looked very festive; and since they matched my fingerprints it didn't seem odd to see them in my sandwich.